All about Us

"Our Vision is to become a vibrant, overflowing, multigenerational church, growing together in the likeness of Christ, with a clear Purpose to invite all who come and all whom we meet to encounter the presence of God."

Revd Matt Smith - New Vicar


 Well this is my opportunity to welcome you!

Many of you will have known me from my past life as a local plumber and are now getting used to me as your new vicar, I too have to get used to that change and as I said at my licensing here……..

 “By the help of God I will”.

We’re so blessed here to have such a wonderful team of willing and equipped volunteers and staff, all of whom should feel encouraged, for they prayerfully managed to enable this church to flourish during its interregnum, following on from the difficulties that Covid 19 bought with it, and so I now take hold of the batton, supported by these wonderful folk, as we continue together, not forgetting those who have gone to glory, to run this good race with ‘Jesus, the perfector and founder of our faith.’ by our side.

I wonder how many of you enjoyed that wonderful movie ‘The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse’ a story written by Charlie Mackesy, who describes his book & film as ‘a big hug’. Well, recently we looked at some of the beautifully inspiring thoughts that came from this young boy’s adventure after meeting with these three incredible characters. We hope,as we journey together, to allow God to ‘search our hearts’ as we seek him by picking up on some of the themes that this wonderful story raises.

As we embark upon this new journey in the life of Canford Parish Church, of ‘Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known’ to others, may we look forward together with hope.

 Every Blessing,   Matt.

“We have such a long way to go “ sighed the boy,

  “Yes, but look how far we’ve come” said the horse”


Canford Parish Staff Team

Vicar. Revd Matt Smith


Mr Iain Stevenson    Mrs Nicky Smart


Family Life Co-ordinator     Mrs Sharon Cooksley   

Sharon is our Family Life Coordinator.  She has been involved in children's work here at the Parish Church since 2004, although has worshipped within the parish since she was 10 years old.  As her own family are grown (but not yet flown the nest!) she loves the opportunity to engage with families and children of all ages in both community and church settings.  Sharon is married to Ken, and enjoys reading, gardening and good historical dramas. 



Parish Church Secretary     Mrs Carrie Partridge  

 Carrie has been the Parish Secretary and the vicar's Personal Assistant since 2015.
She also assists Rev Andrew Rowland as Rural Dean of the Wimborne Deanery. Carrie enjoys playing hockey with Wimborne Wayfarers and is a member of the Broadstone Community Band. 


Additional Ministers

Canford is blessed with a very active team of retired ministers who also lead a number of the church's ministries

Revd. Dr Anne Gee  OBE (Pastoral Care team)    Revd Andrew Corke.
Revd. Bev Probert (with June, Prayer Ministry co-ordinators)   Revd Andrew Simpson.

Leadership team* and Sub-Committee

Children & Families - Sharon Cooksley

Buildings and maintenance - Iain Stevenson

Pastoral Care Co-ordinator  - Lisa Smith

Mission & Social Action - Sarah Emberley

Worship - Stephen Orman*

Social & outreach - Ellie Payne

Ministry - Rev Matt Smith

Treasurer & Finance - Robin Christopher

Discipleship & Life Groups - Nicky Smart

Other Leadership Team /Sub-Committee members

Parish Safeguarding Representative - Jane Hazell*

Breakfast@9 - Assistant Pastors - Pete and Jenny Triplow*

Health and Safety - Ken Cooksley

Other key contacts at Canford

Team Vicars

St. Barnabas (Bearwood) -  Revd. Peter Myres

The Lantern (Merley) -  Rev Mike Tufnell

All staff can be contacted through the office from 10am-12:00pm  (Not Thurs)