
Upcoming Events

Whole Life Worship.

Come and Join us throughout Lent on Tuesday Evenings at 7pm or Thursday mornings at 10am as we look together at what it means to worship with our whole lives from Monday through to Sunday. We will enjoy some sung worship together, pray together and share some study together as we enjoy one another company in God's presence.

Our Whole Life Worship series has been provided by LICC London Institute for Contemporary Christianity.

The dates for our sessions are set out below.
Session 1. Tuesday 11th March & Thursday 13th March  Worshipping Engages our Whole Lives
Session 2. Tuesday 18th March & Thursday 20th March  Worshipping offers us Fresh Insight
Session 3. Tuesday 25th March & Thursday 27th March  Worshipping Transforms our Daily Actions
                     This week lifegroups meet as normal following Mothering Sunday
Session 4. Tuesday 8th April & Thursday 10th April.    Worshipping Inspires our Everyday Speech
Session 5. Tuesday 15th April (Reflective service in Church) Worshipping Focusses our Wavering Hearts.
I really hope that this time together will be rewarding for us all and enable us to live as better disciples of Jesus not just on Sundays...... but Monday through Saturday also.


Canford Churches; namely The Lantern, St Barnabas  & Canford Parish Church, take our  responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults who may be at risk very seriously, and work in partnership with the Diocese of Salisbury to ensure that we work in accordance with best practice at all times.

Our Parish Safeguarding Policy can be downloaded here

If you have any Safeguarding questions or concerns you can contact our Parish Safeguarding Officers,  Judi Hatchard, Barbara Jaggs or Jane Hazell on safeguarding@canfordparish.org Further details here

Alternatively you can contact one of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers,

Contact Details

Rector’s PA and Parish Secretary
Mrs Carrie Partridge
Canford Magna Centre
Canford Magna Parish Church
Canford Magna
BH21 3AF

Tel : 01202 882270
E: admin@canfordparish.org

Office open: Monday 10am - 12noon, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9:30am -12noon

Contributing to God's work

Click on the link to enable you to make a contribution to the work here at Canford